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Kundenmagazin 2016-05 EN

Two years ago, Jowat created the Research Services De- partment with the objective to bundle all activities that are related to general studies, research cooperation with exter- nal partners and funded projects. Since then, the range of services provided has been extended continuously. Today, cooperation with and services for research partners and in- stitutions, as well as Jowat customers – from outside and inside the Group – is practiced actively. Talking to the editor of the Progress magazine, Dr Hartmut Henneken, head of the Research Services, spoke about specific achievements of the department, participation in funded projects, cooperation with research institutes, com- mittee work, and about the impact all this has on the agility of an enterprise. Editor: Dr Henneken, what exactly are “Research Ser- vices”? Henneken: The work of our Research Services current- ly includes the in-house services of the team “Analytical Chemistry and Material Testing,” as well as numerous ac- tivities within the framework of cooperation with external re- search partners and committees or organisations related to adhesive technology. Editor: What are the responsibilities of the “Analytical Chemistry and Material Testing” team? Henneken: The head of the lab and her team assist Prod- uct Development, Technical Support and Application Tech- nology in their work with state of the art laboratories and high professional competence. Among other responsibili- ties, they analyse adhesives or raw materials to determine the ingredients or to identify unknown substances, for in- stance in case of claims. Therefore, the team does a lot of basic analytical chemistry. The other departments rely Global 19 Jowat Research Services An important factor for agile enterprises.

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