Product Description

Due to the complex requirements in the assembly of innerspring mattresses, adhesives for this application are high-performance products. In addition to bonding the different substrates, adhesives also help increase comfort and health and therefore support a good night’s sleep. And they frequently have to meet these requirements for 10 years and longer.
By developing Jowat-Toptherm® 232.30, Jowat has established a general-purpose hot melt adhesive of the highest standard for the assembly of pocket innerspring and Bonnell mattresses.

Jowat-Toptherm® 232.30 is characterised by an excellent performance on automated bonding units.  Therefore, the adhesive meets all requirements for modern mattress assembly operations with automated adhesive application. The product facilitates a permanent, soft bond for highest expectations regarding quality and comfort. In addition, the assembly and pressing times can be reduced which leads to an increase in efficiency. The requirements according to Oeko-Tex100, LGA and Blue Angel are fulfiled.

Product Features

“All-rounder” for Bonell and pocket innerspring mattresses, bead application or spraying

1. For adhesive application:

  • high thermal stability in the melt
  • no stringing
  • accurate adhesive application

2. For the assembly and pressing process:

  • good adhesion also to latex, viscose and gel foams
  • high initial strength in spite of low viscosity
  • fast build-up of cohesion
  • short pressing time – depending on the complexity of the mattress, the pressing process may be the bottleneck of the application
  • roll packaging immediately after pressing possible


Jowatherm® PO 232.30.PDF


Our product in use

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