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Clean air in the passenger compartment: Jowat adhesives for the manufacture of filter media

Detmold.- At the Filtech 2013 in Wiesbaden, Jowat AG, the international manufacturer of adhesives for all industrial sectors, is introducing the latest adhesive innovations for the manufacture of activated charcoal filters.

How powerful a filter is depends largely on the absorption capacity of its filtering medium: The innovative laminating adhesives from Jowat AG ensure optimum filtering performance of the activated charcoal media and keep manufacturing processes efficient.

Using lower amounts of adhesives improves the capacity of the filter media and reduces production costs at the same time. Exactly this formula was adopted when developing the new Jowat-Toptherm® and Jowatherm-Reaktant® adhesives. With these products, very good results are achieved in the lamination process of the filter components with activated charcoal, even when applying less adhesive. Lower grammages allow for a maximum of free active charcoal surface in the process of bonding to the carrier substrates: This prevents any negative impact on the filtering capacity of the medium itself. The adhesives developed by Jowat for attaching the activated charcoal are neutral in odour and provide low fogging and emission values.

Bonds made with the low VOC adhesives - Jowat-Toptherm® and Jowatherm-Reaktant® - ensure a high functionality of the filter media.