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Jowat Magazine 2015-01 EN

16 Menzel: Mr Sander, the manufacturers of clear folding boxes are very demanding users of adhesives, who want to offer the highest possible quality to their customers. Is this impression correct? Sander: That’s absolutely correct, after all, clear folding boxes are expensive, in the manufacture as well as in purchasing. This form of packaging, however, also has additional features. Beyond the diverse possibilities of presenting goods, with the content in direct view, huge variations of geometries and finishing are on the market. The unimpaired view of the attractive, often high-value content is frequently even enhanced, for instance by metallizing or multi-coloured print on the packages. Menzel: Okay, that sounds very demanding up to here. What is the effect of these requirements on the process of bonding? Sander: Clear folding boxes can be manufactured from a varietyofplastics,eachwithverydifferentsurfaceproperties, and also often difficult to bond. This requires a product with a very pronounced adhesion performance. By comparison to other packaging materials, plastic packages often exhibit strong restoring forces that can only be compensated for by adhesives with adequately high cohesion, respectively good green strength. Experience has shown that the only adhesives that can safely match these high technical bonding requirements are the reactive PUR hot melts. Menzel: Consumers as well as manufacturers around the world use clear folding boxes. How do the manufacturing conditions differ? Sander: Around the world, the degrees of automation of the manufacturing processes differ, and the choice of the appropriate adhesive, respectively of the correct setting, Jowatperceivesitselfas t he partnerinbondingwhowantstoalso“thinkdifferently“. W e respond actively to market trends and support ne w applicationideaswithactivitiesinourdevelopm entdepartments.Thismaybeanywherearoun d theglobe,mayconcernnewprocessing t echnologies or demand formulations wit h new rawmaterials.“Thinkdifferently “needstobeinterpretedalsoas:understandingandbondingwit h cross-industrial and intercul turalcompetence.

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