Applikation Beskrivning

Jowapur® med certifikat! Speciella lim för bärande glulam

Jowat lägger flera nya produkter till sitt sortiment av 1-komponents PUR-prepolymerer som har god känts för byggnadsändamål, inklusive lastbärande komponenter. Nyligen utökades gruppen av Jowapur®-lim certifierade för bärande limträkonstruktioner. För närvarande finns 5 produkter tillgängliga, vart och ett med olika och mycket specifika processparametrar. Dessa produkter uppfyller med precision alla processkrav vid tillverkning av lastbärande limträkomponenter.

I motsats till vissa andra tillämpningar, där utvecklingen går mot att hitta ett lim för så många olika tillämpningar som möjligt, har Jowat valt att inom sektorn godkända prepolymerer tillhandahålla ett specifikt lim för varje tillämpningssegment - från limmade laminerade trävaror (GLT) för att korsa laminerat virke (CLT), och från solidt träkonstruktion till I-Joist-formningsbalkar.

De nuvarande produkterna i serien Jowapur® med godkännande för byggnadsändamål uppvisar stora skillnader i sammansättning, egenskaper och bearbetningsparametrar, eftersom de är skräddarsydda för sina specifika ändamål. Dessa produkter erbjuder därför den optimala lösningen för varje enskilt steg i tillverkningen av lastbärande limträkomponenter.

Nedan följer en sammanfattning av fördelarna med att använda 1-komponents PUR-lim för limning av lastbärande träkomponenter, jämfört med att använda kondensationshartser:

1-komponents PUR-lim...
... är helt fritt från formaldehyd
... kräver en mycket mindre appliceringsmängd
... härdar redan i rumstemperatur på bara några minuter
... bildar en neutral, osynlig limfog
... är av 1-komponentestyp - alltså Ingen förblandning, ingen begränsad brukstid och inga rester från produktionen.

Limmen i Jowapur®-serien erbjuder unika fördelar: Ett exempel är att Jowapur®-lim bildar ytterst lite skum. Det betyder att vid mellanstapling, eller när limträkomponenter placeras sida vid sida, häftar komponenterna inte ihop och maskinerna förorenas minimalt. Planhyveln kommer att arbeta jämnare, vilket tydligt förbättrar hyvlingskvaliteten på de laminerade komponenterna. Den särskilda produktionsmetoden som har utvecklats av Jowat, liksom de kemiska tillsatser som används för att stabilisera limmet, förebygger separation av de armerande fibertillsatserna även under längre lagringstider i höga temperaturer. Limmet bildar inte klumpar vid någon punkt under behandlingstiden, vilket förebygger att appliceringsmunstyckena sätts igen.



Jowapur® 681.xx product series

Get more information one our new certified portfolio for fingerjointing and laminating


Base Viscosity [mPas] /
Temperature [°C]
Max. Assembly Time [min] /
Temperature [°C]
Application Certificate Download
data sheet (PDF)
Jowapur® 686.20 1-Component PUR Prepolymer 10500 / 20 10 / 20 Manufacturing bonded load-bearing timber structures (Fingerjointing) Adhesive Type: EN 15425–I–70–FJ–0.1–w de en fr
Jowapur® 686.30 1-Component PUR Prepolymer 10500 / 20 15 / 20 Manufacturing bonded load-bearing timber structures Adhesive Type: EN 15425–I–70–GP–0.3–w de en fr
Jowapur® 686.60 1-Component PUR Prepolymer 10500 / 20 45 / 20 Manufacturing bonded load-bearing timber structures Adhesive Type: EN 15425–I–70–GP–0.3–w de en fr
Jowapur® 681.10 1-Component PUR Prepolymer 15500 ± 2500 / 20 10 / 20 Manufacturing bonded load-bearing timber structures Adhesive type: EN 15425–I–70–GP–0.3–w de en fr
Jowapur® 681.60 1-Component PUR Prepolymer 15500 ± 2500 / 20 60 / 20 Manufacturing bonded load-bearing timber structures Adhesive type: EN 15425–I–70–GP–0.3–w de en fr
Jowapur® 681.40 1-Component PUR Prepolymer 15500 ± 2500 / 20 40 / 20 Manufacturing bonded load-bearing timber structures Adhesive Type: EN 15425–I–70–GP–0.3–w de en fr

The products listed only represent a limited selection of the available product portfolio. Product availability might differ by region. The technical data, characteristics and field of application provided in the table outline the differences between the individual adhesives of the product portfolio. Our Application Technology Department and our Sales Representatives are on hand to provide advice and support you finding the best adhesive for your particular application.

Note: The information on this page is based on test results from our laboratories as well as on experience gained in the field, and does in no way constitute any guarantee of properties. Due to the wide range of different applications, substrates, and processing methods beyond our control, no liability may be derived from these indications nor from the information provided by our free technical advisory service. Customer trials under everyday conditions, testing for suitability at normal processing conditions, and appropriate fit-for-purpose testing are absolutely necessary. For the specifications as well as further information, please refer to the latest technical data sheets.

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Professionella artiklar

High-performance gluing - Certified PUR adhesives for load-bearing glulam

timber load bearing glulam

Load-bearing timber elements made from glulam. Image source: Jowat SE

Adhesives used in the manufacture of load-bearing timber parts must be certified and meet special requirements. The product family Jowapur® 681.xx supplied by the adhesives manufacturer Jowat provides an extensive portfolio of certified and tried and trusted adhesives, with different products for a wide range of manufacturing processes in the field of load-bearing glulam.

The importance of load-bearing glulam in construction has been growing constantly over the years. Its use in new buildings is increasing and structures based on load-bearing glulam have become bigger and more sophisticated. At the same time, it provides possibilities for architectural creativity and aesthetics that are often unmatched. The adhesives specialist Jowat from Detmold is supporting this sustainable trend with an expertise based on many years of experience, with optimum service and with certified high-performance adhesives.

One family for all cases
The one-component PUR prepolymer adhesives of the Jowapur® 681.xx product family are certified according to EN 15425:2017 and are tailor-made to optimally meet the requirements for load-bearing glulam. They can be used in fingerjointing as well as in CLT/laminating applications, provide a choice of assembly times between 10 and 60 minutes, and facilitate an assembly time-pressing time ratio of up to 1:1. Industrial processors can therefore choose the adhesive that best fits their parameters to optimise their specific process and to either increase capacity or improve process reliability by only changing the adhesive and without the need for major investments.

PUR – Full of benefits
Compared to other technologies, PUR prepolymer adhesives for the manufacture of load-bearing timber parts provide several advantages in the manufacturing process as well as for the end product. They do not contain any formaldehyde or solvents, are free of emissions and completely odourless when fully cured, and require considerably lower application amounts due to a solids content of 100 %. Depending on the formulation, these adhesives can cure in a short period of time at room temperature already and facilitate almost invisible gluelines due to their colourless appearance. In addition, Jowapur® adhesives are processed as single components. Therefore, no mixing is necessary, pot lives become obsolete, and remnants from production are prevented.
A major secret behind the superior performance of the Jowapur® 681.xx product family are specially developed reinforcement fibres which are added to the adhesive in a specific procedure. Those fibres increase the strength of the glueline and help prevent the joined parts from sliding apart during production and curing. In addition, they lower the amount og foaming during the curing process and thereby considerably reduce the soiling of machines and equipment and help prevent the sticking together of parts that have been stacked or stored next to each other. The improved spread characteristics of these adhesives makes them an optimal choice for contactless applicator systems in fingerjointing units.

Sustainable construction
Jowat is confident that the importance of load-bearing glulam in construction will only continue to increase in coming years – partly due to global sustainability strategies. That development is to be supported with optimised high-performance adhesives. “Building with wood brings only benefits,” underscores Ralph Kirst from Business Development Load-bearing Glulam at Jowat SE. “And adhesive bonding is a future-oriented joining method that minimises construction costs and time in timber construction. Entire buildings can be prefabricated industrially and assembled on site.” Wood as a building material is therefore expected to continue on its upward trajectory. Apart from the economic benefits it provides, the material is also an ideal choice from an environmental point of view. Wood is a sustainable CO2 sink and thus actively supports the fight against global warming.

The article is published in the magazine ''Holzkurier 35/2020" in German language. You can download the original article down below.


Jowapur® 681.xx.PDFAdhesive Portfolio for the Wood Industry.PDF

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